Table of Contents

1.0 Login

By clicking "Login", you can log in to the portal with the username and password that has been assigned to you.


1.1 Frontpage

Landing page for the portal.


1.2 Information request

Here, individuals can request information on how a business handles actual and potential consequences of its operations. The person can choose to submit an information request with their name or anonymously. The person will subsequently be assigned a username and password, which can be used to log in and view their inquiry.

Choose whether you want to submit a request with your name or anonymously.


1.2.1 Form for information request

Here you fill out which organization you represent, and what category you want information about.


1.2.2 Receipt for submitted request / inforomation requst

You will receive a receipt for the submitted request.

If you submit anonymously, you will be assigned a username and password directly in the browser. If you have reported your name, you will receive login information by email.